Announcing the Opening of Comments on My Blog!
I am excited to announce that I am opening the comments section on my blog! As a singing teacher, I believe that a vibrant and respectful community can enhance our shared passion for music and learning. I can't wait to hear your thoughts, questions, and feedback on my posts.
Whether you're looking for singing tips, have insights to share, or just want to join the conversation, the comment section is the perfect place to engage with me and other readers. To ensure a positive and enriching discussion, I have set some simple guidelines. Please take a moment to review them before joining in.
Let's create a welcoming and inspiring space for all music lovers. Happy commenting!
Comment Guidelines
Respectful Language: Be polite and respectful to others. No offensive, discriminatory, or rude comments.
Stay On Topic: Keep your comments relevant to the post or discussion. Off-topic comments may be removed.
No Spam: Avoid promotional content, spam, or links unrelated to the discussion.
Constructive Criticism: Critique ideas, not individuals. Constructive feedback is welcome; personal attacks are not.
No Hate Speech: Comments containing hate speech, threats, or harassment will not be tolerated.
Use Real Information: Use a real email address and refrain from impersonation or using fake identities.
Moderation Rights: I reserve the right to delete any comments that violate these rules.
Image by @glenncarstenspeters
Nina Standaert
Voice Teacher Nina